Garlic Horslyx research proven to keep the flies at bay

New research conducted at Aberystwyth University has shown that feeding Garlic Horslyx can significantly reduce the irritation from flies and other biting insects whilst horses are at grass.

The Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University tested Garlic Horslyx over a 12-week period, from July to September through observation of horses’ behavior and fly numbers around a group of four horses. The trial was split into four treatment periods which each lasted three weeks. Each horse had two ‘control’ periods and two ‘treatment’ periods during the experiment.

To create a fair trial, the four horses were separated into two groups of two horses and kept in adjacent paddocks, which was split by an electric fence. All the horses remained in the paddocks throughout the day, with one horse being stabled overnight. Garlic Horslyx was placed in the respective paddocks during the daytime only, typically between 0800h and 1800h, allowing 10 hours of access to the product and an average intake of 175g/horse/day.

When examined the results showed that the horses who had access to Garlic Horslyx had 64.5% less flies landing on them than the control horses. This was a highly significant result, reinforcing previous studies that have been done on similar subjects.

The research report concluded: “This level of reduction is indicative that the consumption of Garlic Horslyx produces a beneficial effect for the horse and that this reduction in insect burden will allow the horse to be less irritable and more manageable”.

It was also confirmed that the horses with access to Garlic Horslyx also showed significantly less muscle twitches than control horses with no access to the lick. This supports the observation of fewer flies landing on the horses causing them irritation whilst at grass. “The significant difference in the number of muscle twitches suggests that the level of insect harassment and sensitivity towards these pests was reduced by Garlic Horslyx supplementation” concluded the research report.

This in depth university study is great news for horses and ponies who often suffer with flies during the hotter months. This is the third piece of independent research that has been conducted around Garlic Horslyx, with all the research concluding the product is successful in keeping flies and biting insects at bay. Another independent university trial: another success story for Horslyx!

Garlic Horslyx contains optimum amounts of pure garlic oil, together with the Horslyx high specification vitamin, mineral and trace element package, which incorporates the powerful antioxidants Vitamin E and selenium to support a strong immune system. When fed alongside the correct amounts of good quality forage, Garlic Horslyx removes the need for buckets of hard feed and offers a palatable, easy to use and cost effective method of feeding your horse garlic, while balancing the deficiencies in forage and grazing. Available in 5kg and 15kg.