Cara Shardlow – Ending with some positivity

November was a really positive month, Detonator had some really good training sessions at home and with Becky Moody, we are working hard and he is really feeling good. The one time changes are feeling more secure now. Becky even said we are nearly ready for Grand Prix, this is my ambition to train a horse of my own from being broken up the the highest level in dressage and to know it’s within touching distance is just so exciting!!

There is still along way to go and so many things could go wrong but 2018 could be the year I realise my dream!

Sandonista went to Northallerton in early November to get his final Elementry regional music score which he did easily with over 70%. We then had a go at his first advanced medium and he was just a total star, still very green but with all 5 flying changes being clean scoring 7 for some he gained a 67%, I think that’s the highest score I have had on a horse first time at that level. I have to say I’m so pleased with how much stronger he is feeling and would love to think he might do a PSG next year.

Tango my 4 yr old went to his first competition again at Northallerton and dropped him in at the deep end to do an affiliated.

He is such a good boy at home but can be a worrier so I really didn’t know how he would handle the warm up let alone the competition arena. I had no need to worry as he took it all in his stride, although rather green in the first test he did all the movements, his second test was much better and got a very respectable score.

I could not have bathed him without the help of his mini Horslyx, it kept him entertained!

I was also lucky enough to compete one of my clients horses Jayne Woodings Pilgrim at the same competition, he won the prelim with over 70% and gained 2nd in a novice with over 68%.

Mario is now out in a big field and making good progress, Horslyx helped him so so much while on box rest keeping him sane, he just loves them! He will be assessed by the vets in the new year and hopefully start ridden work soon after.

They will all have a bit of a break from competing in December to go full speed ahead in the new year towards regionals.