Welcome to the stable Bex Mason!

New to the Horslyx Stable of Ambassadors is Bex Mason, a Grand Prix showjumper based in the beautiful Cotswolds. Bex has lived and breathed horses for as long she can remember.

In pursuit of her passion, she has travelled the world, working and training with world-class and Olympian mentors, before setting up her business in the idyllic Cotswolds in Gloucestershire. She has many Grand Prix wins and HOYS qualifications to her name on a variety of horses, including those she has produced from three years old. Not only does Bex specialise in producing elite sport horses for competition and sale, but she is also a British Showjumping (BS) committee member and a BS accredited coach, and she enjoys passing on her skills and the lessons that she has learned along the way.

Bex has been feeding Horslyx for over a year now and has seen so many benefits to her horses’ well-being.   She loves how it manages her horses’ intake of vitamins and minerals and she no longer worries that she could be over- or under-feeding a balancer.

Bex commented “With my cheeky, overactive horses, they need something to occupy them, so the trickle feeding of the lick is perfect as a boredom breaker whilst still being good for their bellies! The research that’s gone into developing this super product is second to none and my team of horses certainly prove that they take it as and when they need it.  It always makes me smile when we get home from a show, and they have a little top up of their Horslyx Balancer in between munching their hay and settling down for the night.”

Bex has also found that whenever they have a tricky situation the Mini Horslyx are perfect for a bit of bribery and distraction. Additionally, she uses them daily to help with physio stretches.

With a strong string of up-and-coming showjumpers, Bex is looking forward to an exciting season ahead, competing nationally and internationally.

Welcome to the Horslyx Stable Bex, and best of luck with your team!