Ruby and Nicky stretch out with Mini Horslyx

Having watched our Stretching Exercise video using Mini Horslyx, Nicki Strong decided to try them for herself with brilliant results. “Carrot stretches have been part of Ruby’s ongoing physio for over 2 years now, and I was intrigued when I saw Horslyx post a video using Mini Horslyx in place of the carrot. We gave it a go, and it was fab! They allowed us to achieve a smoother, continuous gentle stretch rather than a snatch, and also enabled us to hold the stretch too which is much better for the muscle than a ‘bounce.’”

“They are highly palatable so they work very well (I think she would do a handstand to get to that lick!), much safer for fingers, and infinitely more cost effective than carrots. Horslyx have transformed our stretches, and now form part of our daily routine. I would definitely recommend them – and I think your horse would be keen too!”

Nicky Strong

MIni Horslyx Original Mint Garlic Mobility Respiratory Pro Digest