Hi everyone June was another busy month for me and my boys.
Our selection for Great Britain to compete in Pompadour France was a real high. It was going to be a long trip with three days of travelling down there and just as a heat wave was about to hit the country. We had fans fitted in the horse area, took lots of electrolytes with us and he really did cope incredibly well with the 40 degree temperature, better than me I fact!! We had a stop off in Le Mans on our way down through France where we competed last Oct, then another day to Pompadour but it was well worth the journey what a stunningly beautiful place it is. It’s used as a national stud and has a huge Chateaux as a back drop which over looks a lovely race course and cross country course. It is positioned right in the middle of the town so easy walk to get to everything.
Iv never experienced temperatures like it before even the Italians were complaining!! I even got up at 4am one morning to work him while it was cooler. Lots of hosing down during the day seemed to keep him fairly cool.
We passed the trot up and then it’s was the PSG on the Friday, we were on late morning and it had actually cooled down a bit by then so it was not too bad at all. We did our first mistake free test in week so I really couldn’t ask more of him, he is still a bit inconsistent with the contact but after having his teeth done it’s improving so still work in progress.
We finished 14th on just under 67% so I was very pleased.
The next day was the Inter 1 normally our better test but he just dropped off my aids in the canter resulting in a mistake in the 3 X changes and the last canter pirouette leaving us on 65% and 17th place just out of the top 15 that go through to the music. The standard was very high and although disappointed we didn’t get to do it really could have been a worse result considering how he has been going this year.
I have to say it was the friendliest CDI I have done and the other GB riders were all lovely and so supportive, we had an amazing time.

We have been invited to compete at Deauville in July but at £2000 a trip I just can’t fund it this time which I’m gutted about but hopefully we will get another chance.
On the plus side that same week I have the regionals with 3 horses doing 5 tests as Sandonista managed to qualify last min at medium level.
We have a very busy few weeks running up to them with lots of training and competitions getting them all finely tuned in preparation.
Detonator had his lick out in France with him as its very important to keep feeding the same but also on long trips they don’t get chance to put their heads down and let fluid drain down their noses, this can result in illness. The only way I can get him to do this for a decent length of time is to use his Horslyx, so while waiting for the ferry this is what he had and it worked a treat.
So next time I write regionals will be over and done with I really hope they all have a good experience and some rosettes would be lovely!!